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Green Man Fabric Pots


This season we’re all about going AU NATUREL, pared down, completely starkers and that’s because The Green Man system fabric pots are out and they’re already proving a must-have container for growers. Boasting the perfect balance between nutrient retention and oxygen intake, anyone can use the GM fabric pots to do just about anything they want; best of all they’re as cheap as chips making the incredible Green Man System accessible to any level of grower whilst still producing premium quality plants.

The story of the Green Man fabric pot starts when we wanted to create a removable insert into a Green Man Flood & Drain system, this had to contain every spec of grow media, be able to transfer plants from pot to pot without disturbing the all important root zone, wick up nutrients into the root zone, not retain too much water, allow for perfect drainage, be bio-degradable and create an oxygen rich environment around the plant roots; we also wanted it to be affordable. Not much to ask eh?!

So after months and months of material testing and working with our manufacturers to develop THE perfect natural blend of fibres; we released the first version of the GM fabric pot, the 30L. This pot sits snugly inside a GMS pot onto the substrate tray, keeping the water lines completely free from any dirt or debris and making sure that the plants’ root-zone environment is kept entirely self-contained, enabling a trouble free plant transfer from pot to pot.

After the success of the 30L, we wanted to produce more sizes, making the fabric pots compatible with a variety of grow systems and to be able to be used as a stand alone pot for hand watering or as part of a dripper irrigation system. Giving birth to the current line-up the 16L, 22L, 30L, 39L and 56L.

Every size of the GM fabric pot has the same unbeatable growth capabilities as the original 30L and all are available to buy from any your local Green Air Products Stockist.

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